Research Article
Published: 24 July, 2019 | Volume 3 - Issue 2 | Pages: 096-101
Aim:The work was to perform a comparative study of the neuroprotective and nootropic activities of two pharmaceutical substances, the HLDF-6 peptide and its amide form (HLDF-6-NH2).
Materials and Methods: We used in the study healthy adult male Wistar rats aged 180–200 days weighing 280–300 g. We modelled ischemic stroke in rats by chronical occlusion of carotid arteries. Solutions of the HLDF-6-NH2 and HLDF-6 peptides were administered intranasally. Cognitive functions we assessed with Novel object recognition test and Morris maze.
Results: The amide form of HLDF-6 peptide is more efficient: the neuroprotective activity of HLDF-6-NH2, evaluated by improvement of cognitive functions in animals, surpassed that of the native HLDF-6 peptide. A dose of 250 µg/kg of HLDF-6-NH2 peptide resulted in practically complete restoration of the disturbed functions. In the model of ischemic stroke, the amide form of the peptide significantly excelled the reference substance mexidol both in the effective dose and biological activity.
Conclusion: The results of study of the agent allow hoping for its success in further clinical investigation. In view of high demand for the agent and in case of successful clinical trials, it will surely become widely used in clinical practice in treatment of IS.
Read Full Article HTML DOI: DOI: 10.29328/journal.jnnd.1001022 Cite this Article Read Full Article PDF
HLDF: Human Leukemia Differentiation Factor; HLDF-6-OH (H-TGENHR-OH) Peptide and its amide form HLDF-6-NH2 (Н-TGENHR-NH2); Neuroprotective and Nootropic activities; Ischemic stroke
Figure 1
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